Pero Boo

Brief Biography

We have no direct information regarding Pero Boo, other than that he served under captain Diego Gutiérrez de la Caballería on the Expedition. The last name of Boo may be associated with families in northern Spain. A Pero Bon is mentioned as being in Mexico City, but there is no indication that he is the expeditionary Pero Boo, simply misspelled.

Last Known Location
Tepic, Mexico (Muster)
Position on Expedition


?ARChV, Sala de Hijosdalgo, Caja 468,8 [1539, same request]

?AGI, Justicia, 269, Pieza 5 [Visita a Luis Marín, 1545, witness in December 1539 is Pero Bon, is about 30 years old, testifies about a fight in the Ciudad de México at the plaza mayor, can sign his name-no signature on copy, also testifying are a Juan Jiménez and a maestre Juan, cirujano (could this be Pero Boo?)]


1540, Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [2 horses, native arms, elk hide jacket]

ARChV, Registro de Ejecutorías, Caja 704,3 [?24 March 1550: Ejecutoría del pleito litigado por Pedro Boo, vecino de Ribadeo (Lugo); document says Pero Boo; lawsuit started Oct. 15, 1539; brother is Juan de Coleira; father is Juan de Mantaras and his wife Teresa García; grandfather Lope Yañes; grandfather Pero Boo and his wife Mayor Yañes; proved they were hijodalgo; Pero might have died the year before];

Other Info

on the name Boo: AGI, México, 1064, L.1 \ 1 \, “Informes”  [fol.203r: a Pero or Pedro Ximénez Bo Orques/Boorques native of the villa del Utrera; son of Juan Ximénez Farfán, who served in Granada and Buxia as a hombre de caballo; casa poblada with children; pertiguero of the Iglesia Mayor; no mention of Vázquez de Coronado, but possibly a lead on the right name];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.3261 [October 31, 1536: Benito Ximénez, son of Cristóbal de Ximénez y de María de Bohórquez, native of Utrera, a Nueva España (could be a cousin)];

Gran Enciclopedia de España [4:1652-53: in municipio Piélagos:Cantábria; barrio of the municipio El Astillero: Cantábria; lugar of parroquia de San Juan Bautista de Boo: Asturias; in municipio of Aller:Asturias];

AGI, Contratación, 5601, N.4\21 [María de Boo, widow of Alonso Manero y Maxino, vecina de la fra María de Calepro y puerto de Villamayor];

AGI, Contratación, 5708, N.13 [document lists a person who is a native of the place Boo in the mountains of Burgos];

AGI, Contratación, 5437, N.2, R.35 [a priest named Miguel de Boo, corista, native of Santander];

AGI, Contratación, 5471, N.2, R.70 [a merchant named Francisco de Boo y Castañeda, son of Antonio de Boo Castaneda and María Diego Adonso, Santander];

AGI, Contratación, 5473, N.1 R.161[ Francisco Boo Castañeda, merchant, resident in Cádiz, 1723, parents from Cuetto/Cuerro, natives of Cuenca, Francisco is 40, unmarried];

AGI, Contratación, 5509, N.3, R.24 [1766, a place called Bo in the principality of Asturias];

AGI, Contratación, 5511A, N.8 [Manuel Martinez de Rio Boo];

AGI, Contratación, 5529, N.2, R.81 [Dominga Boo];

AGS, Secretaria Guerra, 7174, Exp. 43 [1792-93:Carlos Boo];

Enciclopedia Universal [IX:56: Bóo: agregado al municipio de Valle de Piélagos, provincia of Santander; lugar agregado al municipio de Astillero, provincia de Santander, notables criaderos de ostras; Boo in the mountains of Burgos; Bo in the principality of Asturias; Río Boo mentioned but not in the Enciclopedia]


?AGNEP, Notaría 4, Caja 1, 1564, Carpeta 1.1 [?15 January 1564: Licenciado de la Parra obligated to pay Diego de Boo, vecino of Vera Cruz, 70 pesos de oro de minas, the balance due]