We prefer the Hernando de Castroverde who obtained a license for New Spain in 1536. If our assumption is correct, then he was born in Medina de Rioseco in the modern province of Valladolid to Alonso de Castroverde and Isabel Requexón. His birthplace was a town under the control of a Mendoza family member, another reason to assume this is our expeditionary. He also was a hosier, a skill much needed on the expedition. He served in the company of don Rodrigo Maldonado. He may have married Beatriz de Galvés and died before 1550.
?AGI, Pasajeros L.2, E.2566 [April 28, 1536: Hernando de Castroverde, son of Alonso de Castroverde y Isabel Requexón, vecinos of Medina de Ríoseco to Nueva España;
?Actas de Cabildo, Tomo IV [p.32: August 7, 1536, a Castroverde, hosier, has a solar]
1540,Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [Caso Verde, 2 horses, native arms, elk hide jacket, packframe, served in Maldonado's company]
?AGI, Indiferente General, 1209, sin Numero [1 Oct 1550, Sevilla, a poder from Cristóval Sánches de Galvés, merchant in Los Reyes to García Trujillo, boticario, resident in Sevilla, to Teresa de Galvés his mother and Beatriz de Galvés, his sister, widow of Fernando de Castroverde]
Other Info:
(there is a Castroverde both in Lugo and Salamanca);
Lorenzo Sanz, Castilla y León en América [Castroverde de Campos, León; Castroverde is a pueblo in the region of Alentejo, Portugal
?Rojo Vegas, Guía de Mercaderes [p. 29: entry #338, 1567, debt involving a Francisco de Castroverde from Medina de Ríoseco [relative of Hernando?], [source: AHPV, Protocolos, Legajo 7057, fol. 806r]