Diego de Temiño was not present at the 1540 muster. Through a secondary source from the first half of the 1600s comes the information that the brother of Baltasar de Bañuelos, someone Temiño, died in Corazones. Another source says his name was Diego. If this documentary information is correct, then Diego was probably a native of La Bureba in Burgos province because Baltasar was.
Tello, Libro Segundo [p.286/438: a fulano (so and so) Temiño, brother of Baltasar de Bañuelos (miner in Zacatecas), died along with Alcaraz in Corazones;
Palomino y Cañedo, Protocolos de Rodrigo Hernández Cordero, Anotaciones, #35 [p.232; Palomino y Cañedo says the according to Mota Padilla, as Diego de Temiño died in Tiguex (he thinks that Francisco Temiño must be at least a relative)]
Other info: Bakewell, Silver Mining and Society [p.12:Baltasar de Temiño Bañuelos was from Burebe in Old Castilla];
Enciclopedia Universal [in the province of Burgos, called La Bureba, with outlying towns of Briviesca, Arcefoncea, Santa Gadea and others]