Alonso Vos was present at the 1540 muster as an armed footman. He gave his name as Alonso Vos de Ribadeo, suggesting that he was a native of Ribadeo (Lugo province). If correct, then Alonso was a native of land controlled by the Mendoza family, a fact not lost on Viceroy Mendoza when selecting expeditionaries.
1540, Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [sword, round shield, native arms, footman, muster says Vos de Ribadeo]
Other info: Enciclopedia Universal [51:293 Ribadeo: Lugo, right on the sea] (this could be a Galician name) [Vos is a Spanish last name]
Relatives: ?AGI, Contaduría 664, 1558 [Payments to alcaldes mayores, corregidores y tenientes: Juan Vos, el moco, corregidor of Tetiquipa, Oaxaca, 280 pesos, 23 Feb 1554-23 Feb 1555 and 28 June 1555-28 June 1556]