ARChV, Registro de Ejecutorías, Caja 370,35 [1524-06-28, Diego del Castillo, vecino de Medina del Campo (Valladolid), con Tomás Ruiz, vecino y regidor Medina del Campo, e Isabel Ruiz, vecina de Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Ávila), sobre el pago de los réditos de varios censos impuestos en favor de la capellanía que fundó Alonso Ruiz en Medina del Campo, y los derechos de patronazgo de dicha capellanía; Diego is vecino and regidor of Medina del Campo; Diego didn't prove anything, so Isabel is entitled to the rentas because she is the oldest relative of the founders of the patronazgo (Juana Ruiz and Alonso Ruiz); Marina Ruiz was the daughter of Juana Ruiz and married to Diego Garcia y de Castillo (Isabel's grandfather); Marina and Diego had Fernando del Castillo, vecino and regidor of Medina del Campo, grandson of Juana Ruiz; Fernando married Costanza García and had Diego del Castillo; Fernando and Dr. del Cano and his/their brothers had the patronzago] [not if from Medellín];
AHP, Legajo 9.142, Oficio 15, 1535 I [poder: Diego del Castillo, vecino of Madrid, estante in Sevilla, reçibtor of the his majesty, to Francisco de Sevilla [fol.367r]; carta de pago: Diego del Castillo, vecino of Madrid, estante in Sevilla as juez and executor for his majesty, 15 April; signed [fol. 397v];
AHP, Legajo 9.143, Office 15, 1535 [Poder: Diego del Castillo, receptor de sus magestades de las alcabalas, grants his poder to Juan de Villanueva, August 13, 1535 [Castillo can sign--signature];
AGS, Consejo Real de Castilla, 658,22 [1537-1539: La hermandad de los racioneros de la iglesia de Toledo, con Diego del Castillo y consortes, vecinos de Hita, por las rentas de las iglesias despobladas; his co-adjudicators are from Guadalajara and Alcala] [too close to the departure of the expedition];
AGS, Contaduría de Mercedes, 33,13 [1539-11-27 Juro a favor de Diego del Castillo; vecino of Madrid; [same person as Exp.31?]; same litany from Carlos V regarding his expenses; Alonso de Baeça, the king's criado; Baeça says that Diego del Castillo received un quento y 500,000 por 75,000 maravedis de juro; income from the Salinas despartinas; 1645: lawsuit between don Joseph del Castillo Sotomayor, caballero of Alcanta and padre Antonio del Castillo, Jesuit vs. doña María de Guevara y Manrique, condesa de Escalante regarding the payment of 1200 ducados on the part of the Castillos; doña Mariana del Castillo, their sister and wife of don Lorenzo Ladron de Guevara, who died in Medina del Campo 29 Sept 1636; Mariana is the universal heir of señor don Juan del Castillo (consejero of the Hacienda), our father, deceased; these brothers get a third each; Mariana's will: wants to be buried in the convento of her father in Medina del Campo; doña María de Guevara Manrique Avendaño Ganboa; Mariana is daughter of don Juan del Castillo and his first wife, doña Francisca Machado; doña Juana del Castillo is sister to Mariana's father and gives in her will this juro; Diego del Castillo was her father and had the juro [therefore, this would be too late for expeditionary]; Juan del Castillo is the son of don Gómez del Castillo];
AHP, Legajo 15.965, Oficio 23, 1539 [Arrendamiento de casas: Diego del Castillo, vecino de Sevilla (collación de Santa María la Blanca), rents properties to a Juana Ramos, June 27, 1539 [Castillo can sign--signature];
AGS, Contaduría de Mercedes, 31,39 [Juro a favor de Diego de Castillo, hijo de Francisco Díaz y Teresa del Castillo; son of Francisco Díaz and Teresa del Castillo, vecinos of Madrid; Don Carlos and Reyna Juana; refers to great expenses made in Italy and Tuniz against the Turks, expenses in Francia, etc; so he is forced to sell some grants de juro de heredad a razon de 14,000 maravedis el millar; this is first going through the Grimaldo brothers, Genovéses; 31 May 1540; the Grimaldo representatives are transferring 4500 of this juro de los dichos 1 quento and 229,228 del dicho juro por quanto se los vendi por prescio e quantia de 63,000 to Diego del Castillo, 29 Dec. 1540 [can't be expeditionary then, father?];
AGI, Patronato, 284, N.1, R.26 [June 6, 1557, lawsuit between Miguel Diez de Armendariz and Diego, Cartagena, Diego de León del Castillo];
AGI, Patronato, 285, R.162 [July 9, 1560, Diego as guarantor of Alonso Ruiz, regarding silver marks in Puerto de Veracruz, ship called San Vicente];
AGI, Indiferente General, 739, N.267 [July 11, 1580, in prison for debt (don't know where);
AGI, Justicia, 1186, N.4, R.2 [Jan 22, 1580, soldiers of Diego in jail];
AGI, Contratación, 922B, N.34 [1587];
AGI, Contratación, 5709, N.211, R.13 [1620];
AHMC, Caja A4, exp. 2 [not the expeditionary];
AGI, Contratación, 218, N.8;