AGI, Indiferente General, 1382A [Petitciones y memoriales, 1525 - 1559; in 1527 a Pedro de Vargas is one of several petitioners on the island of Cubagua];
Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:421 [Mar 9, 1527, owed money by Antón Gutiérrez]; I:1390 [June 8, 1528, lengua, Pedro de Vargas collecting money from Rodrigo Simón]; I:1721 [Nov. 5, 1528, poder from Francisco de Oliveros];
AGI, Justicia, 187, N.2, R.1 [1531-1536, El fiscal contra el bachiller Pedro de Sotomayor, vecino de México, sobre el pago de lo que gastó en la pacificación de la ciudad de Michocán, Pánuco y otros pueblos; February 1531, Sotomayor says he participated in the conquest of Michoacán more than 11 years earlier; according to the interrogatorio, Sotomayor participated in the conquest of México and Pánuco; in 1526 a Pedro de Vargas acts as agent for Sotomayor];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.22, exp.1 [fol.4: case against Alonso Cordero, married twice; 13 Sept. 1536 Pedro de Vargas, pertiguero (verger, ecclesiastical position), estante and vecino of Mexico, 14 years ago in Puerto Rico he saw Cordero with his wife, doesn't know how to write];
AGGEC, Diego Hurtado, escribano, Registro 2 [p.4-5: Caja 1, carpeta 2, #17 [1537, March 31; Pedro de Vargas, estante al presente en esta villa de Colima (signed), gives a poder to Juan Ruiz Martínez, vecino of Colima but absent; joyas, ropas, esclavos, bestias, ganados; witness: Juan Bautista, Bartolomé Sánchez];
González-Leal, Relación Secreta [pp. 57-67: Pobladores sin indios: includes a Pedro de Vargas;. 73-78: long list of persons of mixed residence: includes a Pedro de Vargas];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.2, primera parte, exp.2 [Proceso contra Gonzalo Gómez; in July 1537, a de parte witness is a Pedro de Vargas, more than 40 years old, who has known Gonzalo Gómez for about 20 years; Vargas signs; Vargas is also called as a de oficio witness [he is clearly hostile and replies that he doesn’t know answers to the 5 questions he is asked or refers to his previous testimony];
AGI, Contaduría, 662 [in January 1537 in Mexico City, a Pedro de Vargas buys 200 fanegas de trigo from Tiçayuca for 87 pesos; in March 1536, Vargas buys 47 fanegas de maiz for 10 pesos];
Icaza, Diccionario, #221 [Alonso de Almirón married a daughter of Pedro de Vargas who seems to have come in 1541 and fought in Mixtón War];
AGI, Justicia, 276, N.1, Visita a Juan Xuárez, alcalde mayor de la minas de Ayoteco (Provincia de Chiautla, SSE of México), 1545 [witness in México in May 1545 is a Pedro de Vargas, vecino de México, natural de Toledo, about 36 years old, can sign his name-no signature on copy] [at Ayoteco: Francisco López, Martín Fernández, Luis Ramírez de Vargas, Juan Xuárez, Baltasar de Velasco, Alonso Hernández, Juan Fernández; witnesses in Ciudad de México about Ayoteco: Pedro Hernández] [on 6 names separate him from Luis Ramírez de Vargas on the muster] [not if from Sevilla];
AGI, México, 1064, L.1\1\fol.210r [native of Sevilla; son of Alonso Sánchez de la Parra and Florentina de Vargas; married; daughter married to Arriaga; casa poblada; conquest of Hispañola and Cuba; no mention of Cíbola];
AGI, México, 1064, L.1\1\fol.266v = Icaza, Diccionario, #1267 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:3411 [native of Xérez de la Frontera; son of the jurado Pedro de Vargas and Elvira de Torres; 21 years in New Spain; came with Luis Ponce de León; pacification of Jacona with his arms and horse; poor; holds no office; no mention of Cíbola];
AGI, Justicia, 153, N.3 [Pedro de Vargas, witness, 60 more or less, Mexico, 1552, present at the wedding of don Luis de Guzmán and doña Marina de Estrada in 1528, present at the baptism of their children, Juan and Alonso, Juan is the oldest child, don Luis arrived in New Spain the same year he married doña Marina, signed, no signature on copy];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol.19, primera parte, exp.1, 1561 [Processo de Baltasar de San Miguel como ? de Gonzalo Caballero contra Luis de Pareza sobre le venta de una estancia y tierras y lo demas oppor los herederos de Bernardino Vázquez de Tapia; [fol. 91v: 13 May 1562, Pedro de Vargas, witness, vecino of Mexico, age-30+ years old, signed [probably too young];
Otte, Cartas Privadas #1 [Mexico City 1 April 1562; Diego Martín of Trujillo to Alonso de Aguilar in Carcicós, aldea of Trujillo; mention that Pedro de Vargas is a vecino of Trujillo, son of Hernán Garcia, shoemaker and acts as messenger; has returned to Mexico City; Diego López and Miguel Sánchez, his cuñado, and Hernán Martín are all well in Mexico City; Andrés Martín went to Peru with merchandise and haven't heard from him for 3 years];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.767 [fol.145: 10 March 1576, license to go to Spain for Juanes de Lesaca, vizcayno and his son, Pedro de Vargas; Juanes has been in New Spain for 30 years];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.2, exp.706 [April 1580; Pedro de Vargas, clerigo presbitero made a report that he serves in the pueblo of Tlalquetlapilco for 2.5 months, regarding his pay];
Epistolario de Nueva España , vol.9, #485 [p.12]
Mier y Terán Rocha, La primera traza, II:588 [in July 1528 a Pedro de Vargas received the grant from the cabildo de México of a huerta outside the traza on the cazada de Chapultepec a Tacubaya];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.1, exp.254, 1542 [fol. 120v: On July 28, 1542, a grant is made to a Pedro de Vargas, vecino of México, of an estancia (which he already occupies) en términos del pueblo de Castilblanco (which Vargas already holds in encomienda)];
AGI, Indiferente General, 1529, N.2 [relación de tasaciones de pueblos de Indios de Nueva España, 1560; "Castilblanco por otro nombre Yzcamostitlan en la comarca de Los Angeles la mitad en Hernando de Nava hijo de [missing] primero tenedor por compra y la otra mitad en Juan de Arriaga por casado con hija de Pedro de Vargas primero tenedor estan tasadas en dineros ropa maiz gallinas vale myll pesos"];
AGI, Patronato, 55, N.6, R.4\1 [Probanza of Fernando de Cantillana, 1 Sep 1539, Mexico City; witness: Pedro de Vargas, vecino, age-45+, has known Fernando for 18 years in these parts and he knows he came with Narváez, signed-no signature on copy; Sept? 1546, other witnesses: Juan de Morales, vecino of Puebla, age- 40+, Domingo Martín, native of Las Broces, vecino, age-45 +/-, [13 Feb. 1585, Mexico City, witness: Gaspar de Salamanca, vecino, doesn't know Fernando de Cantillana, deceased, age-60, married to a sister of Gaspar de Cantillana];
APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol.128v: Francisco Díaz and his wife baptized Andrés with padrino Mari López, wife of Pedro de Vargas, 27 Oct. 1543];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.2, exp.651, 1544 [fol. 262r: February 1544: a Pedro de Vargas, vecino of México, gives in dowry his encomienda of half the pueblo of Yztacimastitlan (now called Castilblanco), which had been granted to him by Alonso de Estrada and Gonzalo de Sandoval; Vargas is married to Mari López; they have a daughter Florentina de Vargas, who is married to Juan Ortiz de Arriaga; Francisco de Vargas is a witness and so is another Pedro de Vargas, estante en México];
AGI, Justicia, 261, Pieza 2, 1547 [visita a don Antonio de Mendoza, witness, 25 July 1543, citizen of Mexico, more than 40 years old, signed his name-no signature on copy; Mari Lopez, wife of Pedro de Vargas, doesn't know how to write [fol.1244v];
AGI, Justicia, 261, Pieza 1, 1547 [visita a don Antonio de Mendoza, re: Charge 14, doesn't know about the first marriage of Diego de Escobar to Juana de Rebolledo, signed-no signature on copy, June 1541 [fol. 1881r-1881v] [Mari López, wife of Pedro de Vargas (mayordomo of the santa iglesia of Mexico City];
AGI, Patronato, 58, R.6 [1548, Mexico City, Probanza of Jayme Herades using his father-in-law, Antonio de Arriaga; witness:Francisco de Vargas, vecino, age-50 +/-, 19 years ago he saw the Arriaga in the city, was in New Spain with Cortés when Narváez came, doesn't know how to write; very next witness: Pedro de Vargas, age-60 +/-, vecino, saw Arriaga leave Española then in 1521 he too was in Mexico City, signed-no signature on copy; Gerónimo Mercado de Sotomayor, age-25, estante en esta corte, passes over the questions on early conquest, signed-no signature on copy];
AGI, Justicia, 202, N.2, R.2 [El fiscal con Alonso de Mérida, indios, México, 1552; copy of an inrterrogatorio from 1541: a witness is a Pedro de Vargas, vecino de México, more than 40 years old, can sign but no signature; another witness is Mari López, mujer de Pedro de Vargas, more than 30 years old, does not know how to sign; a witness is doña Marina de la Caballería, muger que fue del tesorero Alonso de Estrada, more than 40 years old; she was madrino to a Pedro Lucas, can sign but no signature; a witness in January 1542 is a ? Juan Suárez, more than 40 years old, can sign but no signature];
Velasco, Relación de las encomiendas [p.29: Jan. 1560, 1/2 Caztilblanco in bishopric of Tlaxcala, held by Juan de Arriaga through marriage of a daughter of Pedro de Vargas, 1st holder, assessed at 1000 pesos in money, clothing, corn, chickens];
Gerhard, Historical Geography [p.228: Iztaquimaxtitlan (=Castilblanco)];
Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaria relación [p.224: conqueror; grandson-Diego de Arriaga];
Romero de Solís, Andariegos [1) conqueror of Colima, came in 1521, Icaza, Diccionario, #842 probably not];
Pedro de Vargas Carbajal
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD23, Real Audiencia, Civil, vol.687, exp.1 [1570, wife is María de Sandoval; 13 April 1570, Mexico; Cristóbal Escudero, vecino, says that Pedro de Vargas, como principal and himself as his fiador de mancomund have to pay to Gaspar Moreno 2500 pesos; Mexico, 13 Feb 1562, Pedro and his wife doña María de Sandoval, vecinos, execute a carta de pago; 14 April 1570, María de Sandoval is a widow; by March 6 1572, María is dead; Mérida, 9 March 1550, execute a poder; is called Pedro de Vargas Carbajal; Alonso de Medina is acting in the name of Cristóbal Escudero, Mexico, 23 Sept. 1572; 21 Oct 1568, widow María de Sandoval is in Mexico; mention of a mayorazgo of García de Vargas, Pedro's brother; [Dr. Pedro Farfán signed the first decision, 16 June 1573]; Gerónima Gutiérrez brought suit against their property for back pay-22 years of service at 30 ducats per year; Francisco Rodríguez, tanner, is involved by owing some hides; Cristóbal Pérez, acting for Cristóbal Escudero, 7 Aug 1573; inventory of their property: black slave, 2 old cajas encoradas, small box, small silver candlesticks, 3 old paños, colchones, wooden bin, 2 sillas de caderas, small table, old rug, copper pot, sheet, un monjil, manto, small rug, 3 panos de cama, 2 tocas de lino, delantera, 2 pillows, escano de madera, 8 costales, baçia grande, small box, 2 asadres, sheet - valued at 503 pesos; Gerónima is owed her money, but her lawyer won't pay up];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD23, Real Audiencia, Civil, vol.419, exp.2 [fol.105: 1570, widow of Pedro de Vargas Carbajal; Gerónima Gutiérrez vs Francisco Rodríguez, tanner, sobre 28 dozen of cueros; 10 March 1570, María de Sandoval is widow of Pedro de Vargas, witness: Juan Fernández and Francisco Martín, tailor, vecinos of Mexico; 23 Feb 1569, Francisco Rodríguez executes a poder, witness: Francisco de Torres, vecino of Mexico; Francisca de Medina, wife of Francisco Rodríguez, tanner; 6 March 1570, Pedro de Ledesma, alcalde mayor in Mexico; carta de dote, 17 Feb 1568: Francisco Rodríguez, native of Segura de León, which is next to Zafra, son of Francisco Rodríguez and Mariana Rodríguez (both deceased); will marry Francisca Rodríguez, daughter of Juan Rodríguez, deceased and María de Medina, 1000 pesos, 1 black slave in dowry];