- Caballería: about 100 acres
- Caballero: a prominent minor noble
- Cabildo: a governing council of an urban area
- Calero: crushed limestone or limestone seller
- Capellán: a priest who says Mass privately in an oratory or home
- Capellanía: a benefice
- Carretero: a carter
- Carta de dote: a dowry agreement
- Carta de pago: receipt for payment
- Casa poblada: refers to the entire household - family members, servants, slaves, criados
- Cédula: a written order often from the king or the royal court and councils
- Clérigo: an ordained priest
- Cofradía: a confraternity
- Colegio: a school for younger students
- Comadre: a godmother
- Compañero: an associate
- Compulsoria: a court order allowing copies of documents to be made
- Concejo: a council
- Conde: a person bearing this title of nobility had lower status than a duque or a marqués but was higher than a hidalgo.
- Contador: an accountant; one of the four royal officials
- Corregidor: A salaried Crown appointee assigned to collect tribute from and provide administrative and judicial oversight of an indigenous community, often replacing the encomendero
- Corregimiento: an encomendia or other jurisdiction held directly by the Crown
- Criado: Literally a servant but more often a retainer, staff member, or household dependent
- Cura: a parish priest