Alonso del Moral

Brief Biography

Alonso del Moral was present at the 1540 muster as the alférez for López de Cárdenas. Very little mention of an Alonso del Moral exists in the documentary record, so the expeditionary might be the person from Fontanar (Guadalajara province). There is some weight to this possibility because the Mendozas were the overlords of nearly all the Guadalajara province, making this Alonso a possible trusted supporter of the viceroy. Additional documentary evidence might shed light on the expeditionary.

Title (Y/N)
Country of Origin
Place of Birth (City/Town)
Place of Birth (modern province/state/region)
Last Known Location
Mexico City
Position on Expedition
Within Viceroy Mendoza's Sphere
Name of Spouse
?Juana de Torija
Name of Children
?Francisco, Juan, fray Alonso, Graviel


?AGS, Consejo Real de Castilla, 764,7 [#51. Provisión a Alonso del Moral y Antonio de Costa, escribanos de Colmenar de Oreja, para que, a petición de Pedro Gonzaléz Mejía, se proceda contra personas que han cometido cohecho. 1539, not digitized: the issue in this royal provision is the purchase of bread and oil for resale and an información concerning the case, which included the names of the perpetrators, that has disappeared; Moral and Costa are asked to locate the document in their registers and deliver copies within eight days to the offended parties; the order is issued in Valladolid in December 1536; Moral and Costa evidently have not complied, so the order is reissued in January 1539; harsh penalties are threatened for failure to deliver the copies (10,000 maravedíes), but we are told no more]


1540, Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [2 horses, beaver, sallet, native arms, alférez for López de Cárdenas]

AGI, Justicia, 273, N.5 [1546, citation of a case of Nicolás González contra Alonso del Moral inspected by Gonzalo de Cerezo and Alonso de Lugo at the request of Tello de Sandoval]


?Otte, Cartas Privadas, #155 [Puebla, March 31, 1566; Juan de León, etc. to Alvaro de Espinosa, Alcalá de Henares; some Moral left his wife there [in Spain] and has to return


?AGNEP, Notaría 4, Caja 14, 1575, Carpeta 1.4 [5 February 1575, Tristan Jorge, vecino of Puebla gives a poder to Juan Arias de la Mota para vos y vuestros herederos y subcesores y par quien debos o de elos oviere caussa unas cassas que tengo en esta dicha ciudad que a lindan con casas de Alonso del Moral y de la otra con casas de Miguel de Ortega];

After 1590:

?AHMP, Actas, Vol. 12, Document 273, Asunto 4 [fol.237v: January 1, 1593, Libramiento a Alonso del Moral por la cantidad de 50 pesos de oro común que se le deben por haber tentado 2 carros que sirvieron para llevar bastimentos a la ciudad];

Other info: ?AGS, Chancillería, Registro del Sello de Corte, 149202, 157 [Ejecutoria al corregidor de Asturias de Oviedo y a los jueces del concejo de Sariego, para que se pague a Alonso de Moral, el salario de peón que fue en la guerra de los moros por su tío, vecino de esa villa, Granada, February 1492];

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.203, exp.1, 1598 [fol. 51: Infomación de la genealogia y limpieza de linaje de Alonso del Moral para familiar en Veracruz, y de Isabel de Cárdenas, su mujer, both are vecinos de Veracruz; a Juan de la Peña (more than 70 years old, natural del aldea de Málaga jurisdición de Guadalajara en el obispado de Toledo) testifies that Alonso del Moral is a vecino of Veracruz and is about 50 years old (that makes this Alonso too young); Peña has known Moral since about 1551; he also knew his father and mother, Juan del Moral and Lucía González, naturales del pueblo de Hontanar [Fontanar] and the nearby villa of Yunquera, who had come to the New World on the same boat as Peña; Luisa died during the crossing, which must have been about 1551; Alonso’s grandfather was also Alonso (el viejo), but he was very old (50+) when Peña knew him; Peña also knew many siblings of Juan del Moral; he does not name any of them as another Alonso, but he doesn’t name them all, only ones who had been clergy; A second witness is Matías de la Paz, residente en Tlaxcala, natural de Hontanar [Fontanar] (about half a league from Guadalajara), about 43 years old, his information is not nearly as complete as Peña’s; A third witness is María de Portillo, natural de Hortanar, vecina de la cienega de Tlaxcala, about 66 years old; she knew Juan del Moral and Luisa González very well when they were more than 50 years old (something wrong with the age of Juan); she also knew an Alonso del Moral, clérigo, a brother of Juan del Moral; at least one of the brothers, Graviel, had also come to the New World and had died here; (summary: it seems possible that our Alonso del Moral is part of this family and may have come from Hortanar)]


Francisco: ?AGI, Pasajeros, L.3, E.1964 [1554, Francisco del Moral, vecino del Hontanar, hijo de Alonso del Moral y de Juana de Torrija, con Lucía Pérez, su mujer y tres hijos, a Nueva España];

?AGI, Pasajeros, L.3, E.3222 [1555, Francisco del Moral, vecino de los Ángeles (Nueva España), natural de Guadalajara, hijo de Alonso del Moral y de Juana de Torija, a Nueva España, en donde tiene a su mujer Lucía Téllez];

?AGNEP, Notaría 4, Caja 1, 1564, Carpeta 1.1 [4 February 1564, Juan Pérez del Montizo, estante in Puebla, obligated to pay Francisco del Moral, vecino of Puebla, 450 maravedis [son?];

Juan: ?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol.39, segunda parte, exp.2, 1577 [Alonso Ruíz y Juan del Moral autos sobre la devoluciónde una esclava a 400 pesos de su valor, 1577; Moral is vecino of Mexico, harriero gives a poder to Cristóbal Pérez, procurador of the audiencia, around 12 June 1577];

?AGI, Pasajeros, L.3, E.4390 [20-11-1559, Juan del Moral, vecino de Junquera, hijo de Alonso del Moral y de Juana de Torrija, a Nueva España Lucía González, hija de Pedro González y de Catalina la Rubia, y sus hijos Gaspar, Juan, Alonso, Pedro y Melchor]