Diego de Puelles

Brief Biography

Diego de Puelles was a native of Miranda de Ebro (Burgos province) and the son of Alonso González de Puelles and Sancha Hurtado. Diego was one of the few battle-hardened individuals on the Expedition, having spent considerable time in the king's wars in Navarra, Pamplona, and with the French. When he arrived in New Spain in 1539, Diego left his wife and children in Spain. He was present at the 1540 muster as an unassigned horseman. When the Expedition returned to New Spain, Diego took up residence in Mexico City and was hoping to bring his family from Spain.

Date of Birth
Age Set
Country of Origin
Place of Birth (City/Town)
Miranda de Ebro
Place of Birth (modern province/state/region)
Died on the Expedition?
Last Known Location
Mexico City
European Social Status
Position on Expedition
Within Viceroy Mendoza's Sphere
Pre-Expedition Occupation
Post Expedition Occupation
Alguacil Mayor
Residence After Expedition
Mexico City
Name of Spouse
Juana de Frías, in Spain
Name of Children
children in Spain
Ability to sign name
father:Alonso González de Puelles; mother: Sancha Hurtado


AHN, Sección Nobleza, BAENA, C.70, D.113-114 [Escritura de reconocimiento de deuda otorgada por Diego de Puelles, vecino de Miranda de Ebro, a favor de Jerónimo Samaniego, por la compra de 42 fanegas de trigo, July 1526, not digitized: contemporary manuscript copy: “carta de oblicacion…diego  de puelles vezino que soy de la villa de myrnada Ribera de ebro morador en el lugar de galvarroly;” Puelles acknowledges a debt of 21 ducados de oro for 42 fanegas de trigo; Puelles can sign (no signature on the copy); he did sign in the register; the debt is discharged in November 1534 (this is most likely the expeditionary)]


1540, Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [1 horse, native arms]

AGI, Justicia, 273, N.4 Visita a Marcos Díaz Salgado, escribano, 1546 [question 2: whether they know that during the month of February of the past year of 1543 Juan Sánchez and Diego de Puelles, who at that time were alguaciles, formed a company in the office of alguaciles before me, Marcos Díaz Salgado as escribano de su magestad] [question 3: whether they know that the aforesaid Juan Sánchez and Diego de Puelles did not invest in that company, rather the earnings from the position of alguacil, which they held, were uncertain and doubtful and they did not know whether there would be earnings during the the period of the company] [witness is Diego de Puelles, is about 40 years old, natural de la villa de Miranda de Ebro, does not know how to sign his name];

AGI, Justicia, 269, Pieza 2, Libro de la Residencia Secreta, 1544, [witness is Diego de Puelles, about 38 years old; is teniente alcaide de la cárcel, associated with Francisco Díaz, alcaide, and Juan Sánchez, teniente alcaide; does not know how to write]; 

AGI, Justicia, 268, N.2, Pieza 3, “Visita a Diego de Puelles, teniente de alguacil mayor, 1544” [visita hecha a Diego de Puelles, teniente de alguacil major de México] [was not signed, [3 of 4 witnesses have known Puelles for two years or less] [one of those, Francisco de Baena, has known him just 1 1/2 years, which suggests that Baena was not on the expedition--see also Francisco Díaz] [the remaining witness has known Puelles for 3 years];

AGI, Justicia, 273, N.1 Visita a Juan de Zaragosa, escribano, 1545 [witness is Diego de Puelles, natural de la villa de Miranda de Ebro, did not know how to sign his name, teniente de alguazil mayor de la Ciudad de México];

AGI, Justicia, 258, pieza 1, “Relación de los salarios” [fol. 820r: a diego de puelles...May 23, 1545...cxxx pesos];

AGI, Justicia, 273, N. 5 [Visita a Sancho López de Agurto, escribano, 1546 [citation of a case of Diego de Puelles inspected by Gonzalo de Cerezo and Alonso de Lugo at the request of Tello de Sandoval];

AGI, México, 1064, L.1\1, “Informes” [fol.275v] = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:2516 = Icaza, Diccionario, #1340 [native of Miranda de Ebro; son of Alonso González de Puelles and Sancha Hurtado, vecinos of Miranda de Ebro and natives of the pueblo of Irçio; married to Juana de Frías; hijodalgo; came to Nueva España 8 years ago with the wish to remain; went on the conquest of Tierra Nueva; went to the war of Navarra, a war against the French [1521]; in Pamplona as a man-of-arms for 6 years [occupying force]; asks to have this repartimiento; will send for his wife and children]


?AHAG, Gobierno, Secretaria, Fabrica General de la Diocesis, 1584-1620, Caja 1 [Guadalajara, 1593; naming Juan de Puelles, vecino, as hazedor de los diezmos e rentas deçimales for the church (descendant?)];

?ARChV, Registro de Ejecutorías, Caja 311,35 [Pedro de Ontañón, señor de la villa de Soto (La Rioja), con Diego de Puelles, señor de Autol (La Rioja) (50 miles from Miranda de Ebro), sobre pago de ciertas cantidades, July 1516, not digitized: Diego de Puelles (without don), señor de Autol; first document dated October 1515; yet, his wife is doña Aldonza de Puelles; copy of a document from 1491 is included; at that time Catalina de Porras was “muger que fue del señor Pedro de Puelles…señor que fue de la dicha villa de Autol,” whose hijo mayor is a Diego de Puelles, who is señor de Autol; this Diego de Puelles is nephew to Lope de Porras, brother of his mother; the definitive sentencia is issued in 1517;

?ARChV, PL Civiles, Pérez Alonso (F), Caja 136,1 [Pleito de Graciosa de Goñi, de Autol (La Rioja); Pedro de Puelles, de Autol (La Rioja); Margarita de Puelles, de Autol (La Rioja); Francisco de Puelles, de Autol (La Rioja); sobre asignación a Graciosa de Goñi, viuda de don Diego de Puelles, señor de Autol (which has 340 vecinos) (son of our Diego?), y a sus hijos Pedro, María y Margarita, de cierta cantidad por alimentos que debía satisfacer Francisco de Puelles, su hermano, como heredero del mayorazgo de Puelles, 1579, not digitized: Graciosa (living in Orrayo) is madre y curadora de doña Margarita, doña María, don Pedro; another brother don Francisco de Puelles (living in Autol) asks payment for feeding and keeping his younger siblings; he is also successor in the mayorazgo (villa de Autol); document prepared in Lerma, March 1583 (these could be grandchildren of our Diego de Puelles), according to a document dated in December 1578, presented before the alcalde ordinario Juan de Zaldívar, don Diego de Puelles is already dead and the son Francisco is less than 25 but more than 14 years old; before this (but the date seems to be 1579) a Tomás de Puelles was curador of Francisco, an interrogatorio dated February 1579 says that don diego de Puelles has died four months earlier; the marriage of don Diego and doña Graciosa lasted more than 20 years, presumably meaning they were married in the middle 1550s, another interrogatorio used in 1580 in Calahorra (near Logroño?) reveals that the father of this don Diego de Puelles was another don Francisco de Puelles (thus, these people cannot be the grandchildren of our Diego de Puelles; they could still be great nephews and nieces); one of the witnesses is a Tomás de Puelles, estante en Calahorra and vecino of a place just half a league from Autol, 44 years old; he has been to Autol several times; he also lived there for 8 years; Tomás’s grandfather and young Francisco’s bisabuelo (greatgrandfather) were brothers; the greatgrandfather was a Diego de Puelles (no “don”) (could this Diego de Puelles be our man?); another witness is an Andrés de Frías (vecino de Alfaro, only 29 years old); he says he is no relative, but that could be several generations back (the coincidence of names is very suggestive, but there is no positive proof)];

?AGS, Registro del Sello de Corte, 1492-05-1, 197 [Perdón de Viernes Santo a Diego de San Vicente, vecino de Miranda de Ebro, culpable de la muerte de Diego de Puelles, May 1492, not digitized];

?AGS, Registro del Sello de Corte,  1476-07, 538 [Que se cumpla la sentencia dada por el asistente y los alcaldes de Burgos contra los que dieron muerte a Diego de Puelles, July 1476, not digitized]; ?AGS, Registro del Sello de Corte,  1492-07, 198 [Se apremia al doctor Pedro Pérez de Lequeitio y a Juan Martínez Paternina, vecinos de Vitoria, para que sentencien en el robo que sufrieron Juan García de Ugao, vecino de Miravalles, y Pero García de Ariquíbar, vecino de Arratia, por parte de Diego de Puelles y Juan García Soguero, vecinos de Miranda de Ebro, que les tomaron unos bienes, July 1492, not digitized];

?AGS, Cámara de Castilla, CED, 4, 128, 4 (Libro 4, folio 128, 4th document) [Perdón de pena de muerte a Diego de San Vicente, vecino de Miranda de Ebro, por matar a Diego de Puelles, su convecino, siempre que participe a su costa en la armada del Grán Capitán o nombre a alguien en su lugar, June 1500, not digitized; fol. 128v; note:perdon; "y puede aver 23 or 24 years more or less que estando en la ciudad de Burgos"; Diego de Puelles is a vecino of the villa (Miranda de Ebro); sentenced to serve in the armada against the Turks; 20 June 1500; the justice of Burgos passed sentence]