Alonso Sánchez (Montañes)

Brief Biography

Alonso Sánchez was a native of Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real province) and the son of Alonso Sánchez Montañes and Catalina Sánchez Caçero. He arrived in New Spain in 1522 with his family, two of whom were also expeditionaries, Francisca de Hozes and a son. Alonso had previously served in Italy and the War of the Communidades. He was present at the 1540 muster as Alonso Sánchez and served as an unassigned horseman. In later documents the additional name of Montañes appears. After the return of the Expedition, Alonso and his family settled again in Mexico City where he plied his skill as a shoemaker and merchant.

Title (Y/N)
Country of Origin
Place of Birth (City/Town)
Ciudad Real
Date of Death
before 8/16/1553
Place of Birth (modern province/state/region)
Ciudad Real
Died on the Expedition?
Last Known Location
Mexico City
European Social Status
Position on Expedition
Within Viceroy Mendoza's Sphere
Pre-Expedition Occupation
Post Expedition Occupation
Residence After Expedition
Mexico City
Name of Spouse
Francisca de Hozes
Name of Children
Alonso de la Cámara; Francisco de la Serna; Juan de Hozes; Catalina de Hozes; María de Hozes; Isabel de Hozes
Ability to sign name
father:Alonso Sánchez Montañes; mother: Catalina Sánchez Caçero; father-in-law of Martin Villaroya


Mier y Terán Rocha, La primera traza [II:578-79: an Alonso Sánchez received three grants from the cabildo of México;  two huertas outside the traza, one on the calzada de ? (next door to Alonso de Serna—Serna seems to have been a family name of the expeditionary) in September 1527 and the other in Tacubaya in July 1530; he also received the site for a hermitage on the calzada de Iztapalapa in January 1530];

Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:959 [shoemaker, 959 [Jan 8, 1528, vecino of Mexico City, shoemaker, transportation between Tenustitan and Medellin and Veracruz];

Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:1429 [Aug 28, 1528, estante in Mexico City, owed money for a slave and merchandise];

Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:1536 [Sept. 17, 1528, owed money by Antonio Navarro for clothing];

Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:1666 [Oct. 12, 1528, owed money]; Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:1696 [Oct. 17, 1528, estante in Mexico City, poder to Juan de la Peña, vecino of Mexico City];

Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:1758 [Nov. 14, 1528, merchant, vecino of Mexico City]


AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.22, exp.6, 1536 [fol.111: case against Alonso de la Serna, married twice, absolved; 7 Sept 1536, Alonso Sánchez was witness, native of Ciudad Real, vecino of Mexico, que puede aver siete anos poco mas o menos que veniendo este que depone de casa de doña Marina del thesorero que fue Alonso de Estrada viniendo con el dicho Alonso de Serna; signed his name in the book (no signature on copy)];

?AGI, Contaduría, 662 [in April 1534, an Alonso Sánchez buys 10 cargas de toldillos from Teutalco and Çintelipa for 20 pesos; in September 1535, an Alonso Sánchez buys 14 cargas de ropa for 63 pesos at almoneda; in May 1536, Alonso Sánchez buys three cargas de ropa toldillos from Tetevanco (HGO) for 12 pesos];

?Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, II:1987 – 1988 [fols. 155r – 157v: October 12, 1536, Acknowledgement of  130-peso debt by Juan Jiménez, merchant, estante en México, to Juan Dávila; also lease by Juan Dávila to Juan Jiménez, estante en México, of a tienda on the plaza de la ciudad de México adjacent to those of Jerónimo Porras and Alonso Sánchez, for 30 pesos for three months; this tienda Dávila had himself leased from García de Llerena]


1540, Feb.: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [w/his son: seven horses, chainmail vests, native arms];

AGI, Patronato, 21, N.2, R.3 [testimony concerning members of the expedition, February 21-27, 1540] [Sánchez, recognized as vecino of México; formerly a shoemaker; also merchant and peddlar] [went with wife and one son] [in debt or short of money; therefore went away to make a living];

Pacheco y Cárdenas, Colección de documentos inéditos [14:373-384: Sánchez taking wife and a son; identified by witnesses to gathering in Compostela as having once lived in Mexico City]

González-Leal, Relación Secreta  [p. 57-67: Pobladores sin indios: includes a Alonso Sánchez Montañez];

AGI, Justicia, 267, N.3 [1544, Sánchez, vecino of México, is de oficio witness] [could sign his name (no signature on copy)] [in the same pueblo as Vázquez de Coronado at Tiguex];

AGI, Justicia, 258, pieza 1, “Relación de los salarios” [fol. 811r: a alonso Sánchez...Feb. 14, 1544...c pesos; fol. 818r: a alonso Sánchez...Mar. 16, 1545...c pesos];

AGI, México, 1064, L.1 \ 1, “Informes” [fol. 200r:Sánchez Montañes; vecino of this city; native of Ciudad Real; son of Alonso Sánchez Montañes and Catalina Sánchez Caçero; 25 years in Nueva España with his household, wife and children; one of the first pobaldores of the city; went with Vázquez de Coronado to Cíbola and took his wife; has 6 children and 2 married daughters (one in the City and one in Valladolid); served the king in Italy and in the communidades]  = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:3726 [with wife and children to México, 1522] [settler of ciudad de México] = Icaza, Diccionario, #762 [muy pobre] [one of the first settlers of ciudad de México];

?APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol.165r: 20 Jan 1546 Alonso Sánchez padrino for son of Baltazar de Romero];

?APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol. 170v: 30 May 1546 Alonso Sánchez, Maestre Antón, Hernán Péres padrinos for son of Hernán Gutiérrez];  

?AGI, Contaduría, 1784, N.2 [1542-47, Cuentas de Lorenzo de Aldana de los caudals que por comision del Licencado Gasca recibio en el castigo y allanamiento de Pizarro; Los Reyes, 21 Nov. 1548: a report will be taken regarding what was spent on the armada against Gonzalo Pizarro; libranzas in the Hacienda Real; don't know where these people actually are, although some names are from Mexico; each line item says: Yten se le haze cargo de 1500 pesos que recibio y el dicho Jayme [Faxardo] por el de Alonso Sánchez, merchant, que hizo de prestido de que se le dio libranza];

?AGI, Contaduría, 1784, N.4 [1542-47, Cuentas de García de Salcedo veedor of Lima; socorro de la gente que fue con Gasca; Clothing purchases: Alonso Sánchez merchant: received from- 70 varas of palmilla verde (276 pesos), un pano 31 amarillo, 25 varas (102 pesos), 6 fracadas (36 pesos), 9 espadas (72 pesos), 1 arroba de conserva (12 pesos)];

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.2, exp. 503, 1543 [fol. 205v: November 20, 1543: a Francisco de Vargas, corregidor of the pueblo of Cuazalpa, is directed to determine whether an estancia in the outskirts of the pueblo of Estapa Almoloya can be granted to Alonso Sánchez, vecino of México, without harm to the Indians];

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.2, exp. 651, 1544 [fol. 262r: February 1544: an Alonso Sánchez, is granted ayuda of 100 pesos de oro from quitas y vacaciones];

?AGI, Justicia, 269, Pieza 6 [Residencia a Hernán Pérez de Bocanegra, 1545, (signed)];


AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.4, exp. s/n, 1555 [fols. 279v - 280r: December 1555: corregidor Diego Hurtado is informed that an estancia has been established by “los herederos de Alonso Sánchez” en términos del pueblo de Taymeo near its sujeto Tlalpujavaca that is causing much harm to the Indians; Hurtado is ordered to investigate]

Aizpuru, Indices y catálog, Diego de Isla, escribano, #1333, “Herencia” [fol.143v: 1553, 6 children: Alonso de la Camara, Francisco de la Serna, Juan de Hozes, Catalina de Hozes, María de Hozes, Isabel de Hozes; each received 1/6 of liquido--104 pesos 7 tomines 8 granos] [witness: Melchor Pérez] [dowry: 100 ducats] [estate of Francisca and Alonso: 1,521 pesos 4 tomines: 7 solares, 1/2 cabellería in Puebla--396 pesos 7 tomines; 2 black slaves--661 pesos 5 tomines; 2 solares y demasiadas in ciudad de México--49 pesos 5 tomines; 250 pesos due from interpreter of the Audiencia] [as inheritance received return of dowry--137 pesos 4 tomins--and one half of remainder of liquido--629 pesos 6 tomines]; [debts: to Diego de Aldaña--16 pesos; to Tomás Blaque--3 pesos]  [specified that 55 pesos be sent to Nuestra Señora de Alarcos en Ciudad Real--Ermita de Alarcos just SW of Ciudad Real (visited, May 5, 1998: batalla de Alarcos, initial reconquest, July 19, 1195; la ermita, XII-XIV centuries; settlement at Alarcos moved to Villa Real, 1200s; vista to Ciudad Real from ermita)] [cost of interment, candles, masses, sepultar, priests: 49 pesos 4 tomines] [apparently buried at catedral]

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.3, exp. 374, 1550 [fol. 130r: August 1550: An order for apprehension of two Indian slaves (native to Texcoco, vecinos of Tepeapulco and Guajocingo) purchased at auction by an Alonso Sánchez; the slavery is for 20 years service in the mines]

?APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [II:fol. 14v: 24 Apr 1553 Alonso Sánchez and wife padrinos for daughter of Gonzalo Rodríguez]

Other info: Francisca de Hozes and Alonso Sánchez testimony in Flint, Great Cruelties [p.55: might have known Juan Troyano];

?Catálogo, Resumen e Índices [27 Feb 1576, Mexico, Miguel Izquierdo, clérigo presbítero, vecino, otorga poder general a Luis de Argüello, clérigo presbítero, vecino, y a Francisco Sánchez, vecino, y, especialmente, para comprar unas casas que dejó Alonso Sánchez, difunto, en el barrio de Santo Domingo, haciendo posturas y sacarlas, si se venden en almoneda, por el precio que quisieren. Firmó. Testigos: Hernando Esteban, Martín Pérez y Antonio Alonso Guerrero, vecinos y estantes];

?Piferrer, Nobiliario, 4:153, #1758 [many people used the patronyms like Sancho, especially from lineages from Castile, Aragon and Navarre; progenitor via reliable sources was Rodrigo Sánchez; escudo - quartered, 1st of gules and a gold castle with 2 keys high up of silver, which is de Alcázar; the 2nd is silver and a banda of sinople with gold dragons linguados de gules, which is Sánchez; 3rd is García; and the fourth of gold and una faja of blue and en el gefe, encima de la faja un leon de gules rapante, which is Ponce de Leon]

daugher: APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol.25r: Martín de Villaroya y Catalina de Hoçes baptized Jeronimo, 1? Oct. 1538, padrinos bachiller Blas de Bustamante, Juan de la Cruz and their wives]