Juan de Sandoval

Brief Biography

Juan de Sandoval was not present at the 1540 muster. The documentary information that supports his participation comes from the Nahuatl and cited in a secondary source. Apparently Juan accompanied fray Daniel, who was wounded at Zuni Pueblo (Hawikku).

Country of Origin
Place of Birth (City/Town)
Place of Birth (modern province/state/region)
Last Known Location
Zuni (Hawikku) Pueblo, NM?


?Calvo, Xalisco, la voz [p.80: fray Daniel y alla en Patlatlan lo fueron a encontrar nuestros hijos... en la tierra de Cibolla con él un español llamado Juan Sandoval... Juan de Sandoval se regresó...] [document from the Nahuatl]

?AGI, Justicia, 258, pieza 1, “Visita hecha al Virrey, 1544” [fol. 781v: Urirapundaro: 27 Nov. 1537, corregidor, 200 peso salary; renewed 3 Dec. 1538]

?Warren, Conquest of Michoacán [1528, cousin to Gonzalo de Sandoval, the royal official, who gave named Juan as his heir, p.275; 1536, vecino of Mexico City, p.269, see AGI, Justicia, 123, N.1; 1542, witness, p.125, see AGI, Justicia, 135, N.3, "Mata con Ortega y Santa Cruz, 1541"];

?AGI, Justicia, 186, N.6 [regarding Jorge de Alvarado's assignment of the pueblo of Guazpaltepeque, 20 August, 1530, Mexico, witness: Juan de Sandoval, 32 years old, signed (b. 1498), no signature on copy); witness- Francisco López, age of 25 more or less, signed, no signature on copy)];


?González-Leal, Relación Secreta  [p. 72-73: Vecinos de Guadalajara: includes Melchior Pérez, Antón Pérez de Buscavida, Hernando de Alvarado [Margen: falleció], a Juan de Sandoval, a Miguel Hernández de Bonilla]

?AGI, Justicia, 258, pieza 1, “Visita hecha al Virrey, 1544” [fol. 743r: August 1544, corregidor of Tlapa and again in August 1546, salary 300 pesos];

?AGI, Indiferente General, 1380 [vecino and morador in Mexico, corregidor in Tlapa, served 2 years, after which a residencia was taken, shown to have served loyally and faithfully, asking for a grant, no date];

?AGI, Justicia, 258, pieza 1, “Visita hecha al Virrey, 1544” [fol. 398v: Mexico, 1546, witness, more than 40, native of Mérida, came to Nueva España19 years before, has an estancia, refers to Alarcon as "maestre de sala del visorrey", "sabe e ha visto que el dicho visorrey envio a francisco Vázquez de coronado con cierta gente a la tierra nueva de Cíbola" (signs)];

?AGI, Justicia, 259, pieza 3 [Mendoza cites Sandoval as a witness who said nothing was amiss in his sending warriors by sea and to the tierras nuevas and discovery of the islands regarding treatment of the Indians; Cristóbal de Oñate is 35; Francisco de Godoy is 30;  no signatures on copy; no indication if he went];

?Hillerkuss, Documentalia  [Sandoval, Juan de, "Don Antonio de Mendoza y el sur de Jalisco, 1541-1546", support witness to charge #XXXV, p.27];

?AGI, Justicia, 261, Pieza 3, 1547 [fol. 1364r: witness Juan de Sandoval, known Mendoza for 12 years, 35+ (b.<1512), #127-when the dicha armada passed through Michoacán, this witness was not in the province; answers jump from 197 to 206, no response to Vázquez de Coronado questions];

?AGI, Justicia, 266 [Probanza de don Antonio de Mendoza sobre los cargos que le fueron fechos por el senor Licencado Francisco Tello de Sandoval, Juan de Santdoval, vecino of Mexico scheduled witness, Mexico City, 5 Jan 1547, didn't testify];

?Icaza, Diccionario, #1232 [native of Mérida, son of Francisco de Sandoval (alcaide of Cobillana) and Isabel Álvarez, came to New Spain in 1527, served in whatever was offered, no mention of Vázquez de Coronado];


?AGI, México, 204, N.35 [Méritos y servicios de Hernando Hidalgo, May 1551, México; request is based primarily on his service in the Mixtón War; witness on May 13, 1551, is Juan de Sandoval, vecino of México, more than 40 years old (b. <1511), did not go on the pacification of Mixtón]

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.1, exp. 240, 1542 [fol. 113v: On July 20, 1542, a Juan de Sandoval, vecino of México, is granted an estancia and two caballerías en términos del pueblo de Tepuçintlan; the land is “en una loma” and has a spring and arroyos for irrigating wheat];

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.1, exp. 303, 1542 [fol. 139v – 140v: In August 1542, a Juan de Sandoval is commissioned to investigate a dispute concerning an estancia (Xocotitan) between the widow of Diego de Soria and Francisco de Villegas];

?APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol.117v: Juan de Sandoval padrino for Luis Marin, 22 April 1543];

?Actas de Cabildo, Tomo IV, p.339-40 [May 8, 1543: a Antón Ruiz, vecino de México, is granted a solar "en la calle que va entre el ospital de la consolacion e la casa de maese martin...linde por las espaldas con solar que se dio a Juan de Sandoval"];

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.2, exp. 70, 1543 [frames 64-65:authorization to a Juan de Sandoval to visit an estancia said to be owned by Juan Ponce de León to discover whether it is adversely impacting the Indians of Santiago [de Tlatelolco] and to report to the viceroy, January 30, 1543; frame 65: a Juan de Sandoval is sent again to inspect four estancias near the outskirts of Xilotepeque pueblo that belong to García de Morón, Francisco López, Hernán Pérez, Lorenzo Xuárez, and Francisco Verdugo, who were ordered to vacate them; Sandoval is again to report to the viceroy about the impact of the estancias on the neighboring Indian communities, México, January 30, 1543]

?APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol. 182r: 16 May 1547 Juan de Sandoval padrino for daughter of Francisco de] 


?Romero de Solís, Andariegos  [1574 August 28, estante in Zapotlan, doc. 222]


?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, Vol.2, exp.588, 1580 [1 Mar 1580; viceroy to the alcalde mayor of the mines of Tasco that García Rodríguez clerigo presbitero made a report: que en vertud de cierto mandamimiento a vos dirijido se os mando derribasedes ciertas casas que tienen en las dichas minas entre el y don Luis de Castilla, y Juan de Sandoval y Pedro de Quesada y que los indios que en ella residiese se rredulgan a las quadrillas que ellos quisieren yr a vivir y por que al presente pretendeis e quereis derrocar las casas del dicho García Rodríguez que estan en sus quadrillas y asientos y que los indios que en las dichas quadrillas y asientos y que los indios que en las dichas quadrillas y asientos del susodicho viven sirven e acuden a su hacienda y minas y esclavos que tienen en conpania de Luis Lasso demas de quellas dichas e son de su patrimonio acuyo titulo se hordeno de sacerdote si en lo susodicho se prosigue y executo sera siguirse le notorio dano y agravio e me pidio lo mandase suspender y dar orden en ello hasta tanto que se a oydo e por mi visto por la pressente; ordered to investigate the claims]

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol.67, exp.8, 1587 [fol.184: 23 Oct 1587, Puebla; Francisco Rodríguez contra Francisco Pérez Lorenzo sobre 3 caballerias de tierra and who owns them; vecino of Guexo (Guexalcingo by Puebla); labrador; Cristóbal Gutiérrez, scribe of the same city;  pueblo of San Salvador, only 28 years old; Juan de Sandoval, teniente por su mag, 1585; honbre viejo y hedad decrepita; Francisco de Tórres, escribano publico y del cabildo, 1585; witness: Francisco de Caravajal, Juan Gallego; 30 March 1580 Juan Cordero, teniente de alcalde mayor; 1580, Juan Xuáres, escribano de su juzgado; a principal talks about a piece of land called Tlanatitengo; Francisco Pérez Lorenzo gives a poder to Francisco de Caravajal; the first finding 3 Sept 1585 that the proofs on both sides may be heard was witnessed by Juan de Villareal, vecino; San Salvador is in the jurisdiction of Guexosingo; insertion of the grant of 2 caballerias to Pedro Xuáres de Aguilera, 1580; a copy was made and certified by Juan Xuáres in the villa de Carrion del Valle de Atrisco, 23 July 1587;  Juan Xuáres, vecino and procurador for Francisco Rodríguez; witness to poder 1587: Juan López; Rodríguez is called morador de la venta y estancia de Tesmeluca on the outskirts of Guex^o (Guexalcingo by Puebla); witness in Xalapa, 1583 was Pedro Hernández; Francisco Rodríguez, vecino of the provincia de Tesmeluca; Francisco is 70+ years old in 1583; second finding in favor of Lorenzo, 1586, with witnesses; Juan de Villareal; third finding, 23 Dec. 1587-remitted to Audiencia in Mexico]

Relatives?: ?AGI, Justicia, 1005, N.2, R.2 [Los herederos de Rodrigo de Paz, difunto en Nueva España, con Juan de Sandoval, vecino de Medellín, 1529; "al tiempo que Gonzalo de Sandoval murio en su testamento declaro deber a Rodrigo de Paz mi hermano, difunto, quinientos pesos de oro;" a Juan de Sandoval is the father of Gonzalo ; Inés Gómez de Paz (vecina de Salamanca), "mujer que fui de Francisco Núñez,, escribano del numero de la noble ciudad de Salamanca, difunto,...madre e universal heredera de Rodrigo de Paz...que fallecio en la nueva españa...por quanto viniendo a estos reynos de la nueva españa Gonzalo de Sandoval fallescio...mando pagar a los herederos del dicho Rodrigo de Paz, mi hijo, cierta quantia de maravedíes;" she grants her power of attorney to "Hernán Núñez y licenciado Francisco Núñez...mis hijos;" the money has been taken to the consejo by the bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo and deposited with the alcalde of the casa de moneda Juan Sánchez de las Perlas; an undated letter from a Rodrigo de Paz, with signature, very different from the two we already have, refers to "los quinientos pesos de oro que Gonzalo de Sandoval...dixo para que se diesen a la señora su madre u sus herederos;" apparently Juan de Sandoval is claiming the money also; a June 1529 letter from licenciado Francisco Núñez refers to Rodrigo de Paz as "mi hermano difunto;"interrogatorio: Gonzalo de Sandoval "murio luego en desembarcando;" none of the wirtnesses are our people; a copy of Gonzalo de Sandoval's testamento is entered: he was "vecino que soy de la villa de Medellín que es del señor conde de Medellín;" he is "enfermo del cuerpo;"]; ?AGI, México, 22 [1590, Alcaldes Mayores: Juan de Sandoval, son of poblador antiguo, Çumpango]