Alonso de Valencia was present at the 1540 muster as an unassigned horseman. It seems highly likely that Alonso was the son of the conqueror of the same name. A Pasajero record shows Alonso, son of the conqueror, receiving a license for New Spain in 1538. If these two individuals are one and the same, then he was a native of Santibáñes de Masçules (Cáceres province). The town today is called Santibáñes el Alto, but in earlier times it was called SantiJoannes de Mascoras or Mascules.
(#1) ?AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.4915 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:3090 [June 4, 1538, Alonso de Valencia, hijo de Alonso de Valencia y de Apolonia Gómez, vecino de Santibáñez de Masculis, to Mexico]
1540, Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [1 horse, native arms]
(#2) ?Méndez Venegas, Emigrantes a América, #1790 [Extremadura, escribano in Lima; made will for Alvaro Alonso Hernández, 1559];
(#2) ?AGI, Contratación, 202B, N.19 [fol.1v: 3 Feb. 1564, Francisco López, witness in Los Reyes for death of Fernan Cardoso, signed, no signature on copy; Alonso de Valencia, Alonso Hernández bought items at auction];
(#2) ?Méndez Venegas, Emigrantes a América, #1794 [Extremadura, escribano in Lima; Rodrigo de Arcos delivered his will, 1585]
father?, conqueror:
Mier y Terán Rocha, La primera traza [II:587: in September 1524 an Alonso de Valencia received the grant from the cabildo de México of a solar “outside” the traza on the calle de Tacuba; he also received the grant of a huerta outside the taza in Tacubaya in April 1530];
Mier y Terán Rocha, La primera traza [II:579: a Pedro Sánchez received the grant from the cabildo de México of a huerta in April 1525 outside the traza on the calzada de Tacuba next door to an Alonso de Valencia];
Mier y Terán Rocha, La primera traza [II:557: a Pedro Nieto received the grant from the cabildo de México of a solar in January 1526 within the traza on the calle de Tacuba next door to an Alonso de Valencia];
AGI, Contaduría, 662 [on March 10, 1541, an Alonso de Valencia, corregidor of half of the pueblo of Guatinchan, died; his half reverted to the Crown; he was supposed to be serving from March 1540 to March 1542; he left a will and his death is certified within the accounting; the next entry says that Valencia had held Guatinchan in encomienda until he died];
AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD23, Real Audiencia, Civil, vol.2303, exp.2, 1541 [16 March 1541, Tepeaca, deceased in Puebla; concerning the indios he had in Guatinchan and its sujeto; 5 days before [died March 11th] Alonso de Valencia made his will; heirs were 2 daughters and 1 son he had by marriage in Spain and had no other children here in New Spain, nor was his wife here; inventory taken and goods auctioned off; buried at Santo Domingo; Antón Moreno, trumpeter, was his albacea; his son was Alonso de Valencia; Francisco Rodríguez, also albacea; he was a conqueror of Mexico and received the encomienda for his services; he also had an estancia in Misteca; vecino of Mexico and native of the villa de Santibanes de Masçules in the maestradgo de Alcántara; children were-Francisca de Contreras, wife of Juan de Salzedo, Ana de Valencia, wife of cojo Francisco de Godoy and Alonso de Valencia, all vecinos of Santibañes de Mascules; Alonso made these statements 10 March 1541];
Gerhard, Historical Geography [p.221: Guatinchan (PUE), to Pedro de Alvarado then to Alonso de Valencia (Valiente?); escheated in 1542]