Pedro de Benavente

Brief Biography

We know so little with certainty about Pedro de Benavente. Pedro was present at the 1540 muster as an unassigned horseman. He might possibly have continued on to the Philippines after the Expedition, as other expeditionaries did.

Last Known Location
Tepic, Mexico (Muster)
Position on Expedition

pre 1530

?Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación [p.400: signed a 1520 letter, w/Narváez]

?AGS, Consejo Real de Castilla, 87, document 11 [1523-1524:  Pleito del bachiller Cristóbal de Benavente y su hijo, Pedro de Benavente, con Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, duque del Infantado, y su villa de San Martín de Valdeiglesias, sobre su hidalguía; sentence in favor of bachiller Benavente proving his hidalguía and that he doesn't have to pay taxes; bachiller Benavente is the alcalde de la guardas];


?ARChV, PL Civiles, Fernando Alonso (F), Caja 1018,14 [1529-1537: Pleito de Pedro de Benavente, de Villalpando (Zamora) Juan Cerón, de Villalpando (Zamora) Sobre Pedro de Benavente demanda a Juan Cerón por no querer pagar 7,000 maravedíes en dineros y juros de alcabalas y entregar unas casas a cambio de la compra de unas casas que le hizo a Pedro]


1540, Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [horse, elk hide jacket, native arms]

?AGI, Patronato, 23, R.10 [the fleet departed from el puerto de Juan Gallego on the día de todos santos, 1542 (thus, even people who completed the whole of the Coronado expedition could have sailed with Villalobos); día de los reyes, 1543, before reaching the Philippines the galera went down in a storm; then on January 23 they encountered natives who spoke Spanish; fols. 18v and 19r include a "Memoria de los castellanos que son vivos del armada de vuestra ilustrisima señoría;" on that list are don Alonso Manrique, Guido de Labozares, an Alonso Jiménez, a Diego López, a Juan Pérez, a Martín Sánchez?, a Benavente?, a Diego Sánchez de Cíbola, a Pero González?, a Francisco de Simancas, a Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa, a Juan Gómez?, a Juan Gallego, a Juan Gutiérrez de la Caballería, a Torres?, Pedro Martín de la Bermeja, an Hernán Pérez, a Juan de Morales?; latest date in document is in Lisbon August 1, 1548] (four other Benaventes to Mexico 1536-39)]


?Hillerkuss, Diccionario Biográfico, vol.1 [p.161:Jan 1572, ordered to pay fine, Zacatecas, MS118]

?AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, Vol.2, exp.714, 1580 [26 April 1580; viceroy to the juez repartido of Tepocotlan [Tepozotlan?] that Pedro de Benavente asked for a grant of 2 caballerias de tierra in the pueblo of Tenayuca next to Marcos García, in a dispute with Pedro Delgado and Juan Fernández del Castillo; the judge is to investigate]


?Himmerich, Encomenderos  [Adrian de Benavente married María, daughter of Alonso Pérez de Zamora]