AGI, México, 1064. L.1\1 = Icaza, #52 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, I:591a [fol.71r: vecino and regidor of this city (México); native of Villanueva del Frexno; son of Alonso González and Catalina Sánchez; came with Narváez; Mechoacán and had the title of veedor; one of 3 persons to count the vassals of the Marqués; alcalde; half of the pueblos of Teutalco and Çenteupa and Talcoçabtitlan; has 3 daughters - one married and 2 ready for marriage; casa poblada; con sus armas e cavallos y familia con la qual a proveido a muchas personas que an ydo a su magestad a la conquista de Jalisco and Cíbola];
AGI, Justicia, 258, Pieza 1, “Visita hecha al Virrey, 1544” [January 8, 1546, witness, Ruy González, vecino y regidor of México, first conqueror, about 50 years old, has been in Nueva España since 1520, signed his name];
AGI, Patronato, 61, N.2, R.7, "Méritos y servicios:Ruy González: Nueva España, 1558" [May 25, 1558, witness, Alonso Ortiz de Çúñiga: al tiempo que francisco Vázquez de coronado ffue a la dicha Jornada de çibola el dicho Rui goncales enVio con el para que sirviesen a ssu magestad al dicho Alonso gonçales Su hermano y a otros quatro hombres que se? recogian En su casa] [witness, Salvador de Estrada la jornada de sibola fueron en su compania El dicho alonsso gonzales hermano del dicho rrui goncales E animismo alonso gonçales sobrino del dicho rrui goncales] [y otros deudos ssuyos que estavan En su casa] [interrogatorio: otros quatro hijosdalgo deudos suyos] [witness: Juan del Arroyo, Miguel de Fuenterrabia, Esteban de Sauzedo, vecinos and estantes in Mexico City; came with Panfilo de Narváez, Cortés, Michoacán, Guzmán, Alonso González, his brother] [#7) when Vázquez de Coronado went on his jornada, he was too sick to go and sent his brother, Alonso González, and 4 other hijosdalgos of his relatives, at his own cost, providing horses and equipping their persons, went well armed and served well; has 3 varones and 3 daughters, and 1 natural daughter; witnesses: Alonso Ortiz de Cuniga (?)];
AGI, Indiferente General, 2053, N.65, "Licencia para pasar a la ciudad de México a Juan Vázquez, hijo de Ruy González, 1572” [Juan Vazquez, son of Ruy González, el viejo, vecino of Fregenal];
AGI, Patronato, 78B, N.1, R.9, “Méritos y servicios de Ruy González, 1584" [probanza, Martin Sánchez, hijo natural of Ruy González];
AGI, Patronato, 169, N.1, A.1530, R.5, "Concesión escudo armas: Ruy González, 1530” [escudo, Sept. 1, 1530];
AGI, Indiferente General, 2056, N.75, "Licencia para pasar a México a Ruy González en compañia de Diego Sánchez, su hijo, 1575” [Diego Sánchez, son of Ruy González, vecino of Fregenal];
AGI, Indiferente General, 2053, N.65, "Licencia para pasar a la ciudad de México a Juan Vázquez, hijo de Ruy González, 1572” [Juan Vázquez, son of Ruy González, el viejo, vecino of Fregenal];
Porras Muñoz, Personas y Lugares, p.156 [death of Ruy Gonzalez in 1562];
Roskamp, Los Códices de Cutzio y Huetamo [p.83, encomendero of Cutzio (Michoacán);
Ruy González, a regidor of the cabildo of Mexico City, was an investor in the Coronado Expedition. He wanted to go on the Expedition, but because he was in his mid-forties and in poor health, he decided not to attempt the trip himself. He sent in his stead a brother, Alonso González (el viejo); a nephew, Alonso González (el mozo); and at least three other relatives. He provided horses and equipment to all five of them, which probably totaled over 4,000 pesos in value.