Cristóbal Méndez



?AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.5555 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:2008 [October 21, 1538, Cristóbal Méndez, son of Diego Méndez y de Catalina Vázquez, vecinos de Villanueva de Barcarrota (Badajoz province), en la armada de don Pedro de Alvarado]

?Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:5180 [Dr. Méndez or Núñez, native of Lepe, in México 1538]

?Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:5674 [Medico, native of Jaén, in México 1536-38];


AGI, Patronato, 63, R.23\1 [November 7, 1559, méritos y servicios, Cristóbal Méndez] [Méndez is a vecino de México] [came in armada de don Pedro de Alvarado; Méndez and his witnesses talk about his leaving Mexico City in 1539 with Francisco Velásquez Coronado, but then fighting at the peñoles in Jalisco under Cristóbal de Oñate and Iñigo López de Mançibay; image 3, Méndez’s statement: E yendo a la conquista de çibola en seguimyento del capitan françisco Velásquez de Coronado Alluegue A xalisco Al tiempo que los yndios se alçavan E rrevelavan; image 5, interrogatorio question 2: puede haber veynte años poco mas o menos que en la provincia de xalisco se alçaron y Rebelaron muchos yndios que estaban de paz y debaxo del señorio de su magestad y se encastillaron y hizieron fuertes en peñoles con muchas armas]

AGI, Patronato, 63, R.23 \ 2 [November 7, 1559, méritos y servicios, Cristóbal Méndez; Méndez fue y se hallo en la conquista de çibola (this is a contemporary scribal summary (the cover letter) and is incorrect)]

Brief Biography

Cristóbal Méndez stated in 1559 that he had left Mexico City in 1539 with Vázquez de Coronado in order to participate in the Expedition, but got caught up in the Mixtón War instead. There are a few inconsistencies in his statements. First, he calls Vázquez de Coronado Velásquez Coronado. Second, the timing is off. The Mixtón War did not erupt until 1541, when the Expedition was already in New Mexico. And third, he was not listed on the 1540 muster taken at Compostela. It may be that he had a desire to join the Expedition after it was well underway and never made the rendezvous. He may be the individual in the Pasajero record who came to New Spain with don Pedro de Alvarado in 1538, as did other expeditionaries.