Antonio de Laredo

ARChV, Sala de Hijosdalgo, Caja 70,3 [1571, Pleito de Antonio Laredo, vecino de Villaescusa (Zamora); Antonio de Leredo/Laredo, Villescusa, 13 May 1571, doesn't know how to write; Probanza: father-Diego de Laredo and mother was Catalina de la Torre, Francisco de Laredo, grandfather and grandmother was Elvira Coja (who married again); great uncle, Francisco Miguel, clerigo; uncle on his mother's side, Pedro del Caño; Antonio says he and his ancestors have always lived in Villaesucsa; witness-Rodrigo de Castro is a cousin to Antonio's first wife (their fathers were brothers) and is also related in the 4th degree to Antonio himself];

AHN, Military Orders, Alcántara, Expedientillos, N.14024 [1666-05-sd Laredo, Antonio de [26 May 1666; granted 26 May 1666; parents-Antonio de Laredo, native of Logroño and doña Ana de Pereda, native of Madrid; paternal grandparents-Julia(o?) de Laredo and doña Isabel Vázquez, natives of Logroño; maternal grandparents-Bernabe de Pereda, native of Cornejo, next to Espinosa de los Monteros and doña Eugenia Remírez, native of Madrid];
