Francisco López

Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación, 431 [vecino in Guatemala, 18 March 1528];

Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación, 425 [from Marchena, conqueror in Guatemala];

Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación, 386 [w/Narváez, from Luguerra; another lived in Guatemala];

Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación, 406 [signed a letter written in 1520, w/Cortés, correo de a pie between Veracruz and Mexico; another from Marchena];

Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación, 415 [vecino of Mérida] [probably too old];

AHP, Legajo 9.142, Oficio 15, 1535 I [Debt: Miguel Garrido owes Francisco Lópes, vecino of Sevilla in the collación of San Isidro, 10 Feb. [fol. 63r];

AHP, Legajo 48, Oficio 1, 1535 [aprentiz: Francisco López, tallador; vecino of Sevilla; to Graviel Hernándes; 14 Jan.; both signed [fol. 34r];

AHP, Legajo 48, Oficio 1, 1535 [poder: Francisco Lópes; vecino of Cadiz?; 17 April; signed [fol. 860v];

AHP, Legajo 9.143, Office 15, 1535 [Arrendamiento: Francisco López, hosier, vecino of Sevilla (collación de Santa María [la Blanca]), rents a house to Catalina Moreno, September 23, 1535 [López does not know how to write];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.5370 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:2076 [son of Fernando Pagado and Inés López, vecino of Villanueva de la Serena, with Pedro de Alvarado to Guatemala 1538];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.5512 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:7156 [son of Francisco Fernández and Marina López, vecino of Bejar del Castañar, with Pedro de Alvarado to Guatemala, Oct. 17, 1538];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.5399 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:147 [son of Mateo López de Villena and Bernardina de la Arena, vecino of Alcaraz, to Indies, Oct. 1538];

Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:715 [to Peru in 1538]; 1251 [in Peru 1526]; 3044 [to Florida, 1538]; 10368 [to Cubagua, 1538]; 13495 [to Honduras, 1536];

AHMC, Caja A2, exp.10 [Nov. 9, 1554; "Justicia Real contra Francisco López porque quiso matar al alcalde ordinario Francisco Preciado"; Francisco López, signed, 6r; witness: Juan Fernández, el viejo, Diego de Velasco; Bartolomé Garrido and Juan Fernández, el viejo, conquistador, vecino of Colima, arrived in support of the justicia; found guilty and sentenced to 6 year banishment of 6 leagues; if he disobeyed they would cut off his hand and if he did it again they would execute him; Nov. 12 witness: Gregorio Calderón, fol.1-9; more than 25 years old];

AGI, Justicia, 153, N.2, Pieza 1 [1554: witness for Francisco Hernández Chillón, Francisco López, merchant, estante in the mines [Oaxaca], native of Placencia, 25 more or less, signed-no signature on copy];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.15, exp.4 [fol.19: case against Francisco López blasphemy, Antequera, 18 Sept 1555; vecino, shoemaker; father-Francisco de Valladolid, tailor; mother-Catalina Hernández, native of Zamora, he's been here only 4 years; married in Zamora];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.15, exp.3 [fol.8: case against Antonio Márquez, native of Tenerife, father was a portuguese native of La Madera, blasphemy, Antequera, 18 Sept 1555; witness: Francisco López, signed];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.220 [1575, Colima, a Francisco López, escribano público y del cabildo de Colima, complains about other escribanos reales who live in Colima intruding into his prerrogative of preparing documents];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.196 [1575, Licencia to travel to Castilla granted a Francisco López, natural de de la villa de San Lucar, where he has a wife; he came to Nueva España in the fleet of general Juan Dalcega; he plans now to bring his wife to Nueva España];

BPE, “Bienes de difuntos,” Jalisco, Folder C2-5-20, 1576-78 [Will of Alonso de Segura, merchant [Francisco López- vecino; merchant, 48 years old; signed  [very young in 1540], fol. 45r; se remataron en Francisco López 3 piezas de anges que tuvieren 110 1/2 vara; 6 piezas de paño de la tierra de colores 116 2/3 varas, fol. 26r];

AHMC, Caja A8, exp.12, documento 273 [p. 41-46: July 11, 1577: bienes de Salvador Muñiz; a Juan Ruiz is grandson of Muñiz; a Francisco López, scribe, buys a ballesta];

AHMC, Caja A8, exp.19, documento 280 [p.58-62: January 10, 1577: bienes de Juan Domínguez, a Juan Bautista, vecino of Colima, is a witness, escribano Francisco López];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol.54, exp.1, 1584-87 [Pleito entre Gonzalo Pérez y Pero Hernández y Barbola Arriola (morena libre), su mujer, both vecinos de Veracruz, concerning the building of a house on a contested solar of land in Veracruz; the solar y mesón, across the river from Veracruz, had previously belonged to a Francisco Díaz, vecino de Veracruz (negro libre), difunto (died intestate); Díaz already owned property adjacent to the solar in question, which included an horno para cocer ladrillo; purchase price, 1573, was 50 pesos de oro común; Díaz’ property was auctioned during an almoneda; witness to a 1586 poder from Pedro Hernández to Sebastián Moreno is a Francisco López; a Francisco de Carvajal is juez de los bienes de difuntos en Varacruz in 1587; testimony taken from witnesses in January 1587: first witness is a Juan Martín, vecino de Veracruz, more than 45 years old; the remaining witnesses also appear to be at least 10 years too young];

Palomino y Cañedo, Protocolos de Rodrigo Hernández Cordero, Anotaciones, #18 [II, fol.277r-277v, p.45: Property of Alfonsina de la Paz, deceased, 17 April 1589; Diego López de la Cruz, son, is the albacea for his mother and tutor and curador of his brothers-Francisco López, Juan Alonso and Felipe Sánchez];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol.2991, exp.68, 1591 [fol.137r-v: [Francisco López had made certain declaraciones de pedimiento in Tlaxcala; he was not a citizen of Tlaxcala; case brought by Gonzalo Gallegos, carter and vecino of Tlaxcala; Mexico, 28 Sept. 1591];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.214, exp.4 [fol.40: 1592, shoemaker; Veracruz; portuguese, vecino of Veracruz; Francisco spoke against the wife of the correomayor, saying her parents were burned by the inquisition in Llerena];

Romero de Solís, Andariegos, p.252 [1597, lieutenant alguacil mayor and alcaide in Colima, doc 534; 1599, lieutenant alguacil, doc. 551];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.5, exp.355 [fol.79: 2 Sept 1599; Francisco López in San Juan de Ulua made a report that the slave traders have taken over a house without paying for it; they must pay for it] [too late];

AGI, Indiferente, 1380 [Alonso Maldonado, Catalina de Granedo (wife), presents petition, vecinos of the villa de San Martín de Valdeiglesias. Francisco López her brother, deceased, vecino of Santolalla in the reino of Toledo]; [Diego Díaz, Marina Álvarez (wife), vecinos of Santolalla, together with Alonso Maldonado and Catalina de Granedo, no date, poder; Francisco López, brother of Catalina de Granedo died in Havana; son of Estevan Sánchez Calderero; Marina Álvarez also his sister; Francisco was unmarried; no date];


Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:9 [Aug 14, 1525, Lorenzo Genovés poder to his compadre Francisco López, miner]; I:77 [Sept. 22, 1525, vecino of Mexico City, mining company with García Vélez, contributing 30 slaves];

AGI, México, 1064, L.1\1\fol.112r [deceased; came with Francisco Hernández [de Córdoba, 1517 to Yucatán]; conquest of New Spain; has 3 sons and 2 daughters; Diego Jerónimo López is tutor and curador; no mention of Cíbola];

AGI, Contaduría, 663B, 1556 [Payment to conquistadores, their wives and children: to the hijos of a Francisco López, first conqueror, for the year ending in May 1556 (a Juan Pérez de Herrera is tutor and curador)];

AGI, Contaduría, 664, 1557 Money to first conquerors yearly payments: 3 children of Francisco López, conqueror, 150 pesos];

AGI, Contaduría, 664, 1558 [Payments to conquistadores, wives and children: 2 children of Francisco López, one of the first conquerors, 100 pesos: Bartolomé López, a son, 93+ pesos];

AGI, Mexico 96, R.4 [no folios: a 1558? list of persons: Rodrigo Ximón, ay dos el uno es un naguatato mançebo honbre de poca calidad ay otro que fue conquistador; Juan Pérez es a conquistador and married and is a espadero, his wife is from Spain; Pero Hernández is a conquistador, married, honbre de poco arte; Bartolomé Sánchez, is a conquistador, married to an Indian, servio al marques del valle de llevar le los bastimentos a las minas; Francisco López is a conqueror, married and a miner for the marqués; Hernandarias de Sayavedra is a cavallero and uncle to the viceroy; Alonso López, is a conquistador, not married and criado of Alonso de Ávila; Lorenzo Ginovés is a conqueror, married with a woman from Spain, honbre de bien _; Gonzalo Hernández is a conquistador and not married; Francisco Caravajal, don't know who he is; Juan Gómez, don't know who he is; Pedro Sánchez, don't know who he is; Domingo Martín, is a conquistador, not married, primo to Bernaldino Vazquez de Tapia; Alonso López, it is not known who he is];

AGI, Contaduría, 664, 1559 [Payments to conquistadores, wives and children: Bartolomé López, a son of Francisco López, one of the first conquerors, 100 pesos, 30 Sept 1558-30 Sept 1559 and 100 pesos to the 2 children of 30 May 1558-31 May 1559];

AGI, Contaduría, 664, 1560 [Payments to conquistadores, wives and children: 2 children of Francisco López, one of the first conquerors, 100 pesos, 30 May 1559-31 May 1560; Bartolomé López, a son of Francisco Lopez, one of the first conquerors, 66+ pesos, 30 Sept 1559-30 May 1560; Antonia López, a daughter of Francisco López, conqueror, 50 pesos, 11 Aug 1559-11 Aug 1560];

AGI, Guadalajara, 55 [no date; Report of conquistadores and their children and the amount of pesos de oro comun they get: Antonia López, daughter of Francisco López, conqueror,  50 pesos; sons of Francisco López, Pedro López and Diego López, get 100 pesos/year];

Guatemala, regidor:

AGI, Justicia, 186, N.6 [1531, 26 March 1534, Jorge is lieutenant governor in Santiago, Guatemala; April 1530-vecino of Mexico City and married to Luisa;1530-witness for Albornoz, Francisco López, age-25 +/-, signed-no signature on copy; Juan de Cuevas, scribe, age-35 +/-];

AGI, Patronato, 55, N.6, R.3 [Santiago, Guatemala, 15 Jan. 1539, Francisco López, vecino and alguacil mayor, came with Narváez 18 years ago, went to Guatemala with Pedro de Alvarado with his horse and arms, scribe];

AGI, Patronato, 55, N.6, R.5 [19 Jan 1539, Santiago, probanza of Bartolomé Bezerra, vecino and regidor, witness: Francisco López, has known Bartolomé for 16 years, was with Alvarado, signed-no signature on copy, no age];

AGI, Patronato, 58, R.4 [1548, Guatemala, Garcias a Dios, [Probanza of Gonzalo de Alvarado, witness: Francisco López, vecino, came to Guatemala, Honduras, Higueras with Pedro de Alvarado, signed-no signature on copy, no age; apparently remained in Guatemala; again in 1558 Francisco says he is 50+];

AGI, Patronato, 59, N.1, R.1 [1549, Santiago, Guatemala, Francisco López, vecino and regidor, age-40+, signed, no signature on copy];

AGI, Patronato, 59, N.1, R.2 [1549, Re: Francisco Girón, came with Pedro de Alvarado, married Francisca de Alvarado, daughter of Jorge de Alvarado, deceased, capitan general and primero poblador of Santiago, Francisca was married before, Girón says that Jorge nonbro en su casa e fuera della y por tal su hija fue a vida e tenido e comunmente reportanda y como tal hija suya; hija natural of Jorge; witness: Francisco López, vecino, signed, no signature on copy, no age];

AGI, Patronato, 70, R.2 [1570, July, Ciudad Real, Chiapas, Diego Holguin, 1547, witness (image 79): Rodrigo Sánchez, vecino, has known Diego here for 18 years (1529), more or less 38 years old (1509), signed, no signature on copy; 28 June 1555, witness (image 110): Juan de Orduña, more than 50 (<1505), has known Diego for 28 years in this place (1527), signed Juan de Orduña; witness: Alonso de Medina, vecino of Santiago, Guatemala, has know Diego here for 40 years (1515), more than 79 years old (1486), knew him in Fernandina, made his sign because he doesn't know how to write; 1550, Santiago, Guatemala, witness: Francisco López, regidor, has know Diego for 33 years (1517), more than 50 (<1500), signed, no signature on copy];

AGI, Patronato, 59, N.3, R.1 [Guatemala, 1551, Francisco López, vecino and regidor, age-50 +/-];

AGI, Patronato, 59, N.3, R.2 [1558, Santiago, Guatemala, Probanza of Francisco Calderón, vecino of Guatemala, one of the first conquerors, served as alferez general for Pedro de Alvarado's Peru campaign, went with Pedro Ramírez de Quiñones to Peru, has three daughters, caballero hijodalgo, witness: Francisco López, vecino and regidor was also with Calderón as a conqueror];

AGI, Patronato, 64, R.4 [Santiago, 22 Jan 1561, Probanza by Cristóbal de Morales, son of Antonio de Morales, el viejo and his services in the audiencia of Guatemala, witness: Francisco López, vecino and regidor, 60 years old more or less, knows Antonio for 30 years, signed, no signature on copy];

AGI, Patronato, 64, R.6 [Santiago, 1561, witness: Francisco López, knows Francisco Sánchez for more than 30 years in this place, age-65 more or less, present at the conquest with Cortés, signed, no signature on copy];


AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.127, segunda parte, exp.4 [fol.401: 30 Aug 1584, Guadalajara; africano, portuguese, miner and vecino of Copala, heresy; native of Ceuta; merchant; one witness says he was clearly a morisco];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.141, exp.3 [vecino of the mines of Chiametla or Copala; 1584, africano, from Ceuta, Portuguese];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.146, exp.1 [fol. 31: 1597, native of Ceuta, soldado en las Chichimecas, residente in the haciendas del Capitan Caldera, in the mines of San Luis, blasphemy; Portuguese, 55 years old+ [too young];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.110, exp.6 [fol.391: Aug 1570; Guadalajara; heresy; portuguese];
