Pedro Mayoral

ARChV, PL Civiles, Moreno (OLV), Caja 630,1 [Pleito de Pedro Mayoral, de Hontoria [jurisdicción de Segovia], con Juan Ortego, de Segovia, 1556, this Pedro de Mayoral is a vecino de Hontoria and files a demanda against Juan de Ortego, vecino of Segovia and merchant,  for 334,000 maravedíes that Ortego owes him for “paños, xergas y lanas” and are overdue; an interrogatorio from June 1556 asks about the “casas e corrales e tieeras e cercas e viñas e prados e guerta que el dicho Pedro Mayoral tenya e poseya en el dicho lugar de Hontoria;” the first witness in Mayoral’s probanza, an Andrés de Segovia, says that he has known both Mayoral and Ortego for 25 years [since about 1531]; neither this witness nor any other mentions Mayoral’s having been away from the Segovia region for any time in the past 20 to 30, even 50, years; Mayoral seems to have been engaging in this sort of transaction for much of that time [so he is probably not the expeditionary];
