Alonso de Medina

Actas del Cabildo, Guatemala, 1530-1541 [vecindad, 1538, p.262; witness, 1539, p.277]

AGI, Patronato, 60, N.4, R.3\5 [1556, Guatemala, witness: Alonso de Medina, vecino of Santiago, age-79+, with Diego Velázquez in Cuba, doesn't know how to write];

AGI, Patronato 70, R2 [1570, July, Ciudad Real, Chiapas, Diego Holguin, 1547, witness (image 79): Rodrigo Sánchez, vecino, has known Diego here for 18 years (1529), more or less 38 years old (1509), signed, no signature on copy; 28 June 1555, witness (image 110): Juan de Orduña, more than 50 (<1505), has known Diego for 28 years in this place (1527), signed Juan de Orduña; witness: Alonso de Medina, vecino of Santiago, Guatemala, has know Diego here for 40 years (1515), more than 79 years old (1486), knew him in Fernandina, made his sign because he doesn't know how to write [probably too old]; 1550, Santiago, Guatemala, witness: Francisco López, regidor, has known Diego for 33 years (1517), more than 50 (<1500), signed, no signature on copy];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.80, exp.19 [Oct. 1576, case against Juan Guerrero, Mexico; witness: Alonso de Medina, procurador del numero, 37, too young, signed];

Méndez Venegas, Emigrantes a América, #1042 [Extremadura, owes money to Gonzalo Vázquez, Cartagena, 1608];

Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación, 427 [conqueror in Guatemala];
