Diego de Medina

Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:412 [March 6, 1527, tailor, estante in Mexico City poder to Hernán García]; I:444 [Mar 21, 1527, tailor estante in Mexico City]; I:447 [Mar 22, 1527, tailor, estante in Mexico City]; I:579 [June 6, 1527, tailor, estante in Mexico City]; I:746 [Sept. 2, 1527, tailor, owes Ana Méndez, money]; I:1092 [Feb. 15, 1528, tailor, estante in Mexico City, owes Hernán Pérez Bocanegra]; I:1279 [tailor];

Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:3473 [to Peru in 1534]; 11741 [to Rio de la Plata];

AHP, Legajo 9.142, Oficio 15, 1535 I [Remate, Antonio Pérez, transaction with Diego de Medina, one of the pregoneros of the consejo, 28 Jan [fol 32v];

AHP, Legajo 9.143, Office 15, 1535 [Pregón: Diego de Medina, uno de los pregoneros del consejo de Sevilla, August 16, 1535] [unlikely occupation];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.38, exp.3 [case against witchcraft by indios; 5 Sept 1536, witness: María de Barzana, wife of Diego de Medina, tailor, vecino of Mexico, doesn't know how to write; witness: Lazara, criada of Juan Alonso de Sosa; witness: María, a black slave of maestre Diego (?the tailor);

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.14, exp.11 [fol.108: case against Cristóbal de Valladolid, blasphemy, 26 Aug. 1536, Diego de Medina, tailor vecino, lodged the complaint];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.14, exp.9 [fol.91: August 10, 1536, Mexico, case against Alonso Sánchez de Toledo for blasphemy, witness: Diego de Medina, 40 years old, signed; Alonso Sánchez was playing cards with Juan Franco, merchant, Alonso Sánchez's brother was Francisco Sánchez de Toledo, Sanchez signed];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.38, exp.5 [witchcraft against María de Barzena, wife of Medina the tailor; 10 July 1537];

APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol.15r: Diego de Medina y su muger baptized Diego, padrinos-Bernaldino Vázquez de Tapia y Juan de Valdevieso and their wives, 23 Jan 1538]; [not if expeditionary came in Aug 1538];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.5085 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:4477 [son of Diego de Medina and Isabel de Medina, vecino of Granada, to ?1538]);

AGI, Pasajeros, L.3, E.251= Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:12618a [son of Pedro M[edina] (?) and Costanza de Pechala, vecino of Castroverde de Campos, to México 1539, in México 1527];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.5619 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:3984 [December 20, 1538, Diego de Medina, hijo de Pedro de Rosales y de Catalina Sánchez, vecino Córboba, en la armada de don Pedro de Alvarado];

AGI, Contratación, 209, N.2, R.1 [1550-death of  Diego de Medina, 6 Nov. 1550, Puebla; died in the home of Gregorio Ginovés; Diego was vecino of Olmedo and that he left a wife and children there; he died without a will because when he called the scribe he was unable to speak; he had very little-5 pesos, colchon, freçada, capote, hat, sheet, shirts from Castilla, boots, un cofre, una alesna, una almarada; 1561-the alcalde mayor gets around to settling this case; 7 August 1550, Mexico, Medina delivered a poder in Mexico City; looks like he is leaving the care of some livestock to Pero Hernández del Cerro, Puebla, while he goes off soldiering for 1 year; (image 12v); he bought 1000 borregos from Diego Nuñez];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.84, exp.34 [fol. 28: 1578, Mexico; Alonso López, el viejo and Alonso Lopez, his son, vecinos of San Miguel, 1578, desacato contra fraile; San Miguel is crossed out and written above San Felipe; witness: Diego de Medina, 40 years old, vecino, signed; witness: Domingo Martín Zamora, vecino, more than 30, signed];

AGI, Indiferente General, 1379  "Peticiones y Memorials sin fecha" [Juan Alonso de Sosa, no date, treasurer, witness for Diego de Medina, clerigo; also Dr. Juan Gutiérrez de Valdevieso, Domingo de Ortega. Alberto de Temiño, Manuel Flores and Cristóbal Rodrigo];

spice merchant

Rojo Vegas, Guía de Mercaderes y Mercaderías [p. 35: entry # 414, “1519, sale of slave, 7330-13; p.43: entry # 600, 1548, will of wife Catalina Hernández, 7.331-224; p.43: entry # 610, 1559, will of Diego de Medina, 6.256-471; p.50: entry # 673, 1541, debt involving Diego de Medina, especiero de Medina, 6.097-224; p.51: entry # 694, 1536, compañía de lanas between Hernando de Frías, mercero, and Diego de Medina, especiero, and Diego de Acosta and Gonzalo de Huerta, vecinos de Uceda?, 6.819-no # [according to the index, these entries all deal with the same man, a spice merchant] [too early];

Martínez de Medina

APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol.117v: Diego Martínez de Medina, brother of Gerónimo de Medina was padrino for Jorge Cerón, 20 Apri 1543];
